"These paintings were done near Eyre on the Irish Sea. From the beaches the land rises steeply to moors. There are abandoned castles and in August, abundant rain and even snow. A judicious use of single malt scotch is helpful to the landscape painter."

Beach, Dunure, (B&W), 1988

Cottage © Fisherton Manor, Dunure, 1988

Dun Duff Castle, 1988

Leslie's Garden, 1988

Lobelia, Dunure, 1988

Fisherton Farm, Dunure, 1988-95

Moors, Dunure, 1988

Sheepcote, Fisherton Farm, 1988

Beach Near Fisherton, 1988

Blasted Tree, 1988

Misty Beach, Dunure, (B©W), 1988

Cottage, 1988

View from the Barn, Scotland, 1988

Barn Interior, Scotland, 1988

Beach, Dunure, 1988

Firth of Clyde, Fisherton, 1988

Scottish Beach, 1988